Ways Pet Owners Can Maintain Their HVAC Systems in Cocoa Beach, FL

Air quality and HVAC system function become important when you’re spending time indoors. The hair and dander shed by our beloved four-legged family members can circulate throughout indoor air and into HVAC systems in Cocoa Beach, FL. However, implementing a few tips will help ensure you have healthy IAQ and optimal appliance operation.

Frequent Air Filter Changes

Brush your pets regularly and vacuum your home to help remove organic particles from the environment. Otherwise, the HVAC filter will become congested from airborne contaminants. Check the air filters for indications of clogging, and change the filters more frequently.

Add an Exterior HVAC Unit Barrier

Pets spending time outdoors may interfere with the outdoor HVAC system’s components by rubbing against the unit, which deposits pet hair and dander into the system. Marking their territory on the fins causes erosion while chewing cables and wiring poses a danger to pets as well as HVAC system failure. Create a 3-foot barricade around the outdoor unit, and hide cables and wiring.

Schedule Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

Frequent HVAC maintenance visits enable qualified technicians to thoroughly inspect your system in order to check components for possible problems and provide solutions as needed. Technicians will clean areas while assessing system performance using an extensive checklist. Regular maintenance visits provide you with the opportunity to gain helpful suggestions for better IAQ while also protecting your HVAC system.

Consult With an Expert

Homeowners rely on our team for all of their HVAC system needs in Cocoa Beach, FL. If you suspect you have a problem with your heating or cooling unit, do not hesitate to call us at Anna’s Air & Heat today. As your local HVAC contractor, we take tremendous pride in providing unsurpassed customer service and delivering quality results. Our experts are committed to earning your business the old-fashioned way: through hard work, fair pricing, and attentive service.

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